healthy eating

Study explores pressures of healthy eating in January

Over one quarter (27%) of people in Plymouth confess to having both tried and failed healthy eating plans time and again at the beginning of each year and 36% of people are putting pressure on themselves to battle the bulge left by Christmas calories, according to new research.

With people in Plymouth having pledged to be healthier this January – one quarter (25%) concentrating on...

Zoos lead the way on healthy eating

Paignton Zoo Environmental Park and Living Coasts, Torquay’s coastal zoo, are helping visitors and local people to improve their diets. The attractions are among local businesses working with Torbay Council to put more healthy choices onto children’s plates.

The Growing Kids project runs throughout the Bay and is led by the Food Safety Team at Torbay Council. Nicolas Legendre, Food...

South West kids’ teams want to bring back oranges at half-time

Children’s teams in the South West are being called on to sign up to a scheme to bring back half-time oranges to kids’ football.

The Half Time Jaffa project is calling for children’s teams around the country to sign a pledge to replace chocolate, crisps, sweets and biscuits during the half-time break with a healthier choice of snack.

Teams sign up to the scheme free at www....