
Pilgrim descendent will take part in ‘Illuminate' event

Carrie Southwell, local resident and direct descendent of a Pilgrim Father on the Mayflower, will take part in Plymouth’s ‘Illuminate’ event and light the candle at the Mayflower Steps.

The event, which is organised by Plymouth’s Mayflower 400 project team and takes place on Thursday 20 November at 6pm, will mark the start of the official countdown to the 400th anniversary of the...

Free Plymouth Citybus tickets

Plymouth residents and visitors are invited to light a candle at the Illuminate event taking place on The Hoe in November and local bus firm Plymouth Citybus has donated a thousand bus tickets to get these people there.

Thousands of people are expected to gather for a special ‘Illuminate’ event on 20 November to mark the start of the official countdown to the 400th anniversary of the...