
Blue Ground Beetle Carabus intricatus on greenery

Help blue beetles this Blue Monday

The third Monday in January has been labelled as Blue Monday, and is said to be the most depressing day of the year, but there’s positive blue news today as Buglife reopens their Citizen Science survey to help find more populations of the rare Blue Ground Beetle ( Carabus intricatus ) in Devon and Cornwall.

The Blue Ground Beetle is one of the UK’s rarest beetles, and is currently...

The RSPB calls for everyone to join the wildlife-planting revolution in the South West

The RSPB is calling for everyone in the South West to join the wildlife-planting revolution after a YouGov survey revealed that three quarters (78%) of people are now doing at least something in their garden or outside space to help wildlife (with 23% trying a lot, 28% trying a fair amount, and 27% trying a little).

The survey, commissioned by the RSPB as part of their Nature on Your...

Yeo Valley says no to mowing this May

Yeo Valley says no to mowing this May

The garden and conservation teams at Yeo Valley Organic are hanging up their lawn mowers this month in a bid to put nature first and encourage bees and pollinators to flourish.

Yeo Valley’s sites across Somerset and Devon including its HQ, factories and its six and half acre Organic Garden in Blagdon will not be mowed this month in support of conservation charity Plantlife’s No Mow...

New wildlife gardening guide shows big potential of small spaces in Devon

A new guide published today by the RSPB and Barratt Developments, which is currently building brand-new communities across Devon, shows how to turn balconies and small gardens into sanctuaries for wildlife.

The RSPB's ‘Welcome Wildlife into Your World' guide gives top tips and advice for bringing nature to your home, especially for people with a small amount of outdoor space such as...

UK set to be besieged by swarms of wasps

Britain is ‘under attack’ from swarms of winged creatures.

Large numbers of airborne common black garden ants have been spotted everywhere this summer and now; thousands of wasps are also set to come out in record numbers for the next few weeks.

Following a huge uplift in sales of insect repellents, Wyevale Garden Centres is forecasting September to be an insect battleground...

Entomologist and chef unite to entice people to eat insects

Insects are no longer a novelty food stuff and could actually be used to feed the world, a Plymouth University academic has suggested.

In May this year, the United Nations’ Food and Agricultural Organisation published a report which provided the first comprehensive assessment of insects' current and potential uses food for humans and livestock.

Now Plymouth-based entomologist...