Life Centre

Life Centre to get a green hat

This summer the iconic Plymouth Life Centre will be crowned with the city’s largest solar roof.

As part of Plymouth City Council’s ambition to become a greener and sustainable city, the Council is working with Plymouth Energy Community (PEC), a local Community Benefit Society, to help increase the amount of renewable energy generated in the City.

PEC is owned and run by...

Free trade and training exhibition to help get Plymouth building

Builders, tradesmen and women, contractors, designers, homeowners and developers are all being invited to the city’s first free trade exhibition to help get Plymouth building.

The Plymouth and Cornwall Building Control Partnership is hosting its first event on Tuesday 24 September which aims to help professionals from the construction industry get up-to-date with the latest changes to...

British Gas Masters and Senior Age Group Championships 2013

Plymouth's Life Centre plays host to the British Gas Masters and Senior Age Group Championships this weekend -

The world class swimming meeting is described as "the highlight of the national masters calendar."

For more information, visit the website below.