Hospital directors shortlisted for NHS Leadership Awards

We are delighted that three directors at Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust have been shortlisted for two awards at this year’s NHS Leadership Recognition Awards, which are run by the NHS Leadership Academy.

Our Director of Nursing and Associate Director of Nursing/Head of Midwifery will be going head to head for the NHS Inspirational Leader Award.

Sue Stock, Associate Director of...

Partnerships join together to raise awareness for HIV Testing Week

Sexual health specialists across Devon are encouraging more people to take an HIV test.

Devon Public Health, Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust and The Eddystone Trust are joining forces to raise awareness of HIV testing, ahead of National HIV Testing Week, which runs from Friday 22 November to Friday 29 November.

The week is aimed mainly at high-risk groups such as men who...

New interim Director of Public Health for Plymouth appointed

Professor Stephen Horsley is the new interim Director of Public Health for Plymouth.

He has been in Northamptonshire for the past seven years as Director for Public Health and brings with him a wealth of experience.

The responsibility for the health of Plymouth’s communities formally transferred from the NHS to Plymouth City Council in April.

Stephen is a physician with...

University invites students to take on Dragon's Den style nursing and midwifery challenge

Students at Plymouth University have been invited to submit their ideas for a Dragon’s Den style challenge that could see them changing the way the NHS functions.

The Nursing and Midwifery Challenge tasks the University’s final year nursing and midwifery students with coming up with an idea that they think could solve a real issue or problem in current health service practice, before...

Seven day, 8am-8pm GP access plans for patients

The public will be able to see their GP seven days a week and out of office hours under new proposals set out by the Prime Minister for a first wave of GP groups offering extended opening hours across the country.

The government claims the move will make it easier for people see their family doctor from 8am to 8pm, seven days a week and will help thousands who struggle to find GP...

Derriford Hospital's Open Day "a massive success"

Derriford Hospital's first public Open Day in more than a decade has been hailed as a massive success.

More than 2,000 people went along to Plymouth's flagship NHS hospital on Saturday 28 September to find out for themselves what goes on behind the doors and managers say that the initial feedback has been "overwhelming positive".

The doors officially opened at 10am but visitors...

Devon switches on its new NHS 111 health service line

After months of delay, Devon switched on its new NHS 111 service for the county at 11am on Tuesday 3 September.

NHS 111 is a national initiative that is being rolled out across the country. It is a new three-digit dial telephone service being introduced to make it easier for patients to access local health services, when they have an urgent need.

After problems in other NHS...

Three new ultrasound scanners given to Derriford Hospital

Derriford Hospital has been acquired three new ultrasound scanners thanksto both a bequest and a generous donation by The George Appeal.

The scanners will provide a vital service in maintain the health of both the unborn baby and the mother during pregnancy.

The new equipment is replacing three units which were due for replacement by the Plymouth Hospitals Trust.


Prime Minister announces £500 million to relieve pressures on A&E

With over 1 million more people visiting A&E compared to three years ago, last year's harsh winter put exceptional pressure on urgent and emergency wards.

The new funding will go to A&E departments identified as being under the most pressure and be targeted at 'pinch points' in local services.

The aim is for patients to be treated promptly, with fewer delays in A&E...
