New analysis of national data commissioned by charity Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) finds that the proportion of smokers living in poverty is 110,000 in the South West.
The new breakdown published today [Wednesday 9th February] shows that In England as a whole 31% of households containing smokers live in poverty once spending on smoking is accounted for, whereas in the South...
Fuel Poverty levels are high in Devon, and whilst projects like Healthy Homes for Wellbeing, run by Exeter Community Energy (ECOE) have been tackling this issue head on with their dedicated service, there is still a high level of demand for support .
The Winter Warmth campaign from ECOE, now in its second year, highlights the issues of fuel poverty and hard to heat homes faced by...
Most women think of their period as the dreaded time of the month... Well, imagine being homeless and having your period without having access to sanitary items and proper hygiene, forcing you to just go without, with no other option but to use toilet paper, pieces of clothing or anything else absorbent that you can get there hands on.
Britain faces a hidden scandal where thousands of people cannot feed themselves or their families, according to a hard hitting report from Church Action Poverty and Oxfam.
The two charities, with the backing of the Trussell Trust, are calling for an urgent Parliamentary Inquiry into the relationship between benefit delay, error or sanctions, welfare reform changes and the growth of...