Help your ambulance service this August bank holiday

The South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SWASFT) is encouraging people to use the right healthcare for them this August bank holiday weekend as the region prepares for a further influx of visitors.

Residents and tourists to the South West are reminded to only dial 999 in a life-threatening emergency.

Bank holiday weekends can be a busy time for 999 services...

Help the ambulance service by following 10 steps to a safe and healthy summer

Residents and tourists to Devon this summer are being asked to Help Us To Help You by the South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SWASFT).

The Trust serves a population of over 5.5 million people and every year, the South West of England is estimated to receive an influx of over 23 million visitors - with a large proportion of them coming during the summer months....

Post-Christmas appeal from the South Western Ambulance Service

The South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SWASFT) is urgently appealing to the public to think carefully before dialling 999 due to the extreme demand it is currently facing following the four-day Christmas break.

At 11:30 on Wednesday 28 December there were 482 patients waiting for ambulances across the South West, with 106 patients awaiting handover at hospitals...

A SWASFT ambulance responding to a call in the snow.

Access the right emergency care for you this winter

Winter is one of the busiest times of the year for the South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SWASFT) ­– and we need continuing support from the public.

Ambulances must be available for patients who are facing a life-threatening medical emergency. To help with this, we are asking for the public’s support to ensure the service is used correctly.

You can help by...

Pandemic brings couple together - SW firefighter and paramedic announce their engagement

Today, 11 February, ahead of Valentine's Day – Lauren Biffen, student paramedic and firefighter Martin Green publically announce their engagement. The pair met whilst driving ambulances for South West Ambulance Service (SWASfT) as part of a joint initiative with Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service and other fire and rescue services in the region intended to help safeguard frontline...

SWASFT, South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust

‘Stay safe this New Year’ says ambulance service 

South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SWASFT) is asking people to welcome the start of 2021 safely, and not make unnecessary 999 calls.

The NHS is experiencing high demand for its services, due to the ongoing coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic alongside normal winter pressures.

SWASFT dealt with around 2,600 incidents a day between 19 and 28 December, and is...

999, ambulance

When you should call 999 this Christmas

South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SWASFT) is reminding people only to call 999 in a genuine life-threatening emergency this Christmas.

The trust is anticipating a high demand for the 999 service over the festive period, due to the ongoing coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic alongside normal winter pressures.

It has dealt with around 2,650 calls a day so far...

Coronavirus: Ambulance staff report 290 violence and aggression incidents

Hundreds of South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SWASFT) staff have experienced violence and aggression while working during the coronavirus pandemic. Ambulance crews and control room staff reported 290 incidents during the first 10 weeks of lockdown from 23 March to 31 May. This figure compared with 199 during the same time period in 2019. The majority (84%) of the cases...

Ambulance service to recruit paramedics from Czech Republic and Slovakia

South Western Ambulance Service has started a recruitment campaign to attract around twenty qualified paramedics from the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

A national shortage of qualified paramedics in England means that previous recruitment campaigns have not produced the number of paramedics required across the South West.

Paramedics in the Czech Republic and Slovakia have...

Increase in number of assaults of SWASFT staff

South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SWASFT) is continuing to take a zero tolerance approach to any form of abuse on its staff after having seen an increase in the number of reported assaults throughout the past 12-months.

Between 1 February 1 2013 and 31 January 2014 there have been 104 reports of physical abuse to front line crews. The type of injuries staff have...
