Youth appeal
Most people reading this blog won’t be in their teens but I wonder how many will want to appeal to the youth market but haven’t a clue how to go about it! When your customers are literally dying off the page or your products or services are just not appealing to a younger market anymore it can be tempting to bury your head in the sand and hope that things will get better but many businesses know to their cost – they don’t!
There is no magic answer but one thing’s for sure the savvy businesses know that to reach a young target market, a number of things need to be considered:
1.the style of media to be used to promote your product or service
2.the messaging appropriate to the target market
3.the branding and imagery required for maximum stand out in a media rich market
When you know that the most watched ad on YouTube in May was for Play Station 4 you realise that video, YouTube and Social Media marketing is key, and if you’re not engaged in this, you will not be seen and will not reach this market.
iPhones, iPads and all things mobile are ‘the norm’ for the youth market and make no mistake; this is an area experiencing phenomenal growth. More and more time is spent communicating in this way and with the age of children using mobile phones becoming younger and younger it’s an area that should not be ignored. How many youngsters do you see reading a newspaper these days? Although print is certainly not dead and there are some good examples of print reinforcing a digital or video campaign, the fluidity of mobile media is breaking new barriers.
It’s not all about trying to ‘go viral’ just for the sake of it; branding should never be compromised by gimmickry but there are some very neat and effective ways to reach this massive audience who are just as interested in buying fashion goods, beauty and health products, gifts, music, visiting restaurants, receiving offers, as the rest of us. You just need to reach them!
For further information visit: www.theplumconsultancy.com