Axminster Families Have Fun in the Field with Food and Activities
A fun event for children and their families took place in Axminster earlier this week and was organised by local food group Nourish along with Police Community Support Officer Hayley Widger.
The ‘Fun in the Field’ event on Tuesday 29 August at the Axe Valley Academy sports field was a chance for local families to be fed and enjoy some games at the end of the school holidays. There was also an ice cream van, bouncy castle and plenty of activities to keep everyone busy.
Local mayor Jill Farrow came along to show her support and visitors had a chance to meet Karen and Mary from Nourish - who set up the group in 2019 to support people through tough times - as well as Devon & Cornwall Police volunteers and force mascot Bravo the dog.
Axminster PCSO Hayley Widger has been working closely with Nourish to make sure local children are looked after, not hungry and have someone to turn to. She was recognised for all her important work in Axminster with a Chief Superintendent’s Commendation for community policing, fairness and accountability earlier this year. She received the award from Superintendent Antony Hart at a special ceremony in Exeter.
Hayley, who has been a Devon & Cornwall Police PCSO for more than ten years, said: “The Fun in the Field event was a great success and we looked after and fed more than 120 people. I would like to thank all those who came along and supported the event including South West Water, Tesco and local companies such as the Railway Kitchen and Charmouth Bakery.
“Nourish do an amazing job here in Axminster to make sure families are looked after. Karen and Mary have worked hard all summer and I look forward to teaming up with them again in the future.”
Inspector Phil Gray and Sergeant Matt Beards, who work across the Rural East Devon police sector which includes Axminster, also went along to the fun day to meet local people.
Sgt Matt Beards added: “Hayley is a fantastic PCSO and is very well liked in the local community of Axminster. She is dedicated to her role and works very hard to serve local families. We want to engage with youngsters, who may receive free school meals during term time, by helping with school holiday events such as these.”
The Rural East Devon police team are on social media and you can meet them face to face at Axminster Market Square between 11am-12pm on Thursday 14 and Thursday 28 September. Local officers will attend during the farmer’s market and are available for a chat to discuss any questions or concerns you may have.
Nourish are an independent, self-funded community project and you can find out more about Nourish Axminster by following them on Facebook.